

Limestone is a beautiful natural stone and the preferred material of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids and European cathedrals seen still today! Limestone comes in a variety of colors that can add to any space, from whites to dark grey, to soft pink. Limestone weathers nicely and achieves a beautiful patina over time. 

Your Limestone should be sealed upon install but will require sealing over time. 

Comprehensive Limestone Guideline:

Below is a comprehensive guide for Limestone. Best to avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaning objects to prevent scratches. Sealing can be performed by using Impregnator pro, which we sell in shop. Test to see if sealing needs to be performed by dropping water on the tile, waiting 5 minutes to see if the area becomes dark from water absorption. 

Follow this link to read about care and maintenance, types of finishes, and Dos and Donts of Limestone. 

Click here for the guide

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